I'm Marc Skov Madsen, PhD (Math), CFA® and a Lead Data Scientist Developer at Ørsted.
I enjoy developing services and applications based on data, models and analytics. I use this site to share some of my ideas and experiences.
I have 21 years of experience working with asset management of financial and physical assets across the value chain and from front to back office.
I'm capable of solving problems and performing in a multitude of roles, across functional domains and on a strategic as well as an operational level.
I'm capable of bridging between Business and IT and between Analysis, Enginering, Science, Trading and DevOps teams.
My toolbox is to a large extent based on based on Python and Open Source.
I also develop in C#, JavaScript, Typescript or Angular when it makes sense.
I contribute to open source projects and develop the awesome-streamlit.org and awesome-panel.org sites.